From San Joaquin County MVCD
April 22, 2019
(STOCKTON, CA) – As temperatures increase following recent rains, mosquito populations are on the rise. San Joaquin County Mosquito and Vector Control District (District) is asking the public to remove all standing water around their property. “Mosquitoes will take advantage of water in large containers like rain collection barrels and wheel-barrows to small containers with only a tablespoon of water,” said Aaron Devencenzi, Public Information Officer with the District. “It only takes a tablespoon of water for mosquitoes to develop,” said Devencenzi.
During Mosquito Awareness Week in California (April 21-27, 2019) the District takes this opportunity to remind the public of our services and mosquito prevention tips. In addition to dumping and draining water, we encourage the proper disposal of containers that are no longer useful. From neglected swimming pools, animal water troughs, water features, and ornamental ponds, we encourage people to stock our mosquitofish. Mosquitofish can be obtained by picking them up at the District’s main office or delivered with no charge throughout San Joaquin County.