From the Turlock Journal
April 19, 2019
The deluge of rain that fell in the Central Valley this winter and spring did much to help the state out of the drought, but it also created optimal breeding conditions for mosquitoes that officials are warning could prompt a bevy of health concerns for residents.
According to the California Department of Water Resources, the San Joaquin Valley received nearly 125 percent of the average rainfall from October 2018 to February 2019. The heavy rainfall can lead to accumulated stagnant water, which in turn creates mosquito breeding sites. Mosquito experts throughout the state are stressing the need for Californians to dump and drain all standing water.
“Warm weather coupled with large amounts of stagnant water from recent rain events create the perfect conditions for mosquito breeding,” said Dave Heft, general manager for Turlock Mosquito Abatement District. “Mosquitoes can lay their eggs in a wide range of water holding sources and can complete their life cycle, from egg to adult, in about a week. Residents must do their part to help protect public health by dumping and draining all standing water to eliminate mosquitoes from their communities.”