From the Long Beach Post
July 7, 2020
Public health officials are warning people to be vigilant during mosquito season after a patient in his or her 60s was diagnosed with West Nile virus in Long Beach this week, marking one of the first cases in Southern California so far this year.
“While the world is focused on COVID-19 prevention and response, this is an important reminder that we continue to see cases of West Nile Virus most years in Long Beach,” City Health Officer Dr. Anissa Davis said in a statement. “We cannot let our guard down against mosquito-borne diseases.”
The first cases were initially reported in Northern California this year.
No mosquitoes in Long Beach have been found to be positive for the virus thus far this season.
The virus is transmitted through the bite of an infected Culex mosquito and may include symptoms such as fever, body aches, rash, nausea, vomiting and headache. Most people who become infected have no symptoms.