June 24, 2018
PALM DESERT, Calif. – Local residents in Palm Desert are guarding themselves against some pesky mosquitoes. It comes after West Nile was detected in mosquitoes trapped in one neighborhood last week.
“I don’t them. I don’t like them at all,” Jeffrey McCartney said.
That’s how he feels about seeing these pesky mosquitoes. McCartney’s taking even more precautions than usual after some mosquitoes carrying West Nile was detected in his neighborhood.
“Them being right on this street is very concerning,” he said.
The Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (CVMVCD) says it’s the second city to have West Nile detected this month. Indian Wells was the first. McCartney has already taken steps eliminating standing water where mosquitoes breed.
“Our watering is a drip system so it doesn’t leave any big puddles and as you can see in the front of the yard, is a desert plan,” he said.
The CVMVCD plans to spray the area for mosquitoes as shown in this sign posted on Portola avenue.