As the MVCAC embarks upon the increasing use of genetic methods for the control of invasive Aedes, it would seem useful to examine the 50 year history of mosquito releases for genetic control using mostly sterile insect techniques [Benedict, MQ. 2021.] as well as novel methods being developed for replacement and suppression of Anopheles and Aedes [Alderman, ZN and BB Kojin. 2021.; Dobson, SL 2021.; Reid, WR, KE Olson, AWE Franz. 2021.]. These Forum papers critically review the literature thereby providing a useful background for Oxitech’s planned update presentation at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Southwest Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (PacVec) to be held April 5-6, 2022 at the Embassy Suites Sacramento Riverfront Promenade.