How to protect yourself from mosquitoes during monsoon season

July 24, 2019

INDIO, Calif. – With monsoonal moisture comes unwanted pests. Mosquitoes carrying deadly viruses could be lurking around your backyard.

News Channel 3’s Caitlin Thropay spoke with Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District to find out how you can beat the bite.

Three steps they recommended are to, “dump it, drain it and scrub it clean.” If you have any “kiddy” pools, tires lying around, bird baths, flower pots, plant saucers or anything that holds still water in it, you need to follow these simple steps. 

“This is a really unprecedented year for West Nile Virus activity in the Coachella Valley and it’s also been a pretty productive year for mosquitoes because of the weather we have been having all year,” General Manager of Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, Jeremy Wittie told News Channel 3. 

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