Fall board Meeting via Zoom
Agenda is available behind the member login - click here. Time is subject to change
Webinar: Investigating the ecology of Culicoides biting midges: The big problem of tiny vectors
OnlineAbstract Culicoides biting midges are capable of transmitting numerous pathogens of medical and veterinary importance. In some areas, their biting pressure can also lead to extreme annoyance and discomfort. Despite these impacts on human and animal populations, many aspects of the biology, ecology, and control of this diverse genus of insects have received little attention, due…
Medical Entomology (ACME) Pre-Meeting Course: Medical Entomology for the Public Heath Practitioner & Clinician
Wednesday, November 13, 2024; 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tulane School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine 1440 Canal St, New Orleans, LA, United States Tulane University's Schools of Medicine and of Public Health and Tropical Medicine were founded in 1834, from the university's founding physicians' desire to study andcontrol public health threats in the…
Planning & Committee Meetings
Holiday Inn San Diego - Bayside 4875 N Harbor Drive, San Diego, CAHeld in San Diego at the Holiday Inn - Bayside December 2-4, 2024 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Draft Agenda is available on the member-services portal here.
Webinar: Evidence based control of mosquito vectors, in an insecticide resistance landscape
OnlineTue, Dec 03, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am PST Abstract: Prevention of vectors of human diseases, including invasive species which are expanding their worldwide distribution due to environmental/climate changes, largely relies on the use of insecticides. However, both the limited availability of insecticides and the phenomenon of insecticide resistance represent a major threat for the…
93rd Annual Conference
Oakland Marriott 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA, United States93rd Annual MVCAC Conference & Exhibitor Showcase REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Oakland Marriott 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607 January 26–29, 2025 Join us in Oakland! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER CLICK HERE TO BOOK YOUR ROOM Room Rate: Standard Room - $234 per night (plus taxes and fees) Guests are also welcome to call the…