Biologist, Delta Mosquito and Vector Control District

Description: Under the general direction of the Scientific Program Manager, the Biologist conducts a variety of field and laboratory procedures to support the District’s vector and vector-borne disease surveillance programs and completes other related tasks that support the District mission as required.

POSITION STATUS Full-time, FLSA exempt, probationary position.

APPLICATION PROCESS Please send CV/Resume, cover letter and application to:

DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Biologist position differs from the lower class of Laboratory Technician II in that the Biologist must obtain and maintain the California Department of Public Health Vector Control Technician certification in Categories A, B, C, and D. Biologists are qualified to perform laboratory operations including vector surveillance, vector-borne pathogen surveillance, insecticide resistance monitoring, insectary tasks, and fish hatchery tasks. Additionally, Biologists assist in purchasing laboratory supplies, inventory, preparing reports, maintaining laboratory equipment and facilities, and are encouraged to actively participate in Mosquito and Vector Control Association (MVCAC) and publishing in peer-reviewed journals.

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