Steve Mulligan 2024 (Along with previous award winners Major Dhillon and Becky Cline)
MVCAC Meritorious Service Award
Meritorious service awards may be conferred on members or nonmembers who have made special and significant contributions to the field of mosquito or vector control in the State of California or elsewhere. Meritorious service awards shall be conferred by the same procedure as established for honorary membership. Recipients of meritorious service awards have no vote in this Association and pay no dues.

Robert Cummings, 2022
MVCAC Honorary Members (1955-2022)
Honorary membership may be conferred on any person who has rendered exceptional, distinguished service in the interest of mosquito or vector control in the state of California. Nomination for this honor requires written endorsement by five or more Corporate Members addressed to the Board of Directors and accompanied by a written description of the individual’s qualifying accomplishments and achievements. Upon receipt of such an endorsement, the Executive Director will prepare a mail ballot and submit a ballot and written description about the individual to all Corporate Members. Ballots must be returned within 30 days from the date of mailing. To receive special recognition through honorary membership in MVCAC, the nominee must receive a two-thirds vote of the Corporate Membership, with the vote determined based on the number of timely submitted ballots. The results of the mail ballot will be announced at the next Association Board of Directors meeting after the ballot deadline. Honorary members pay no dues and they have no voting rights in the Association. The recipient may receive the award at the Annual Conference or any other Board meeting.

Mario Novelo Canto 2024
William C. Reeves New Investigator Award
The William C. Reeves New Investigator Award is given annually by the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California in honor of the long and productive scientific career of Dr. William C. Reeves.
The award is presented to the outstanding research paper delivered by a new investigator based on the quality of the study, the manuscript, and the presentation at the MVCAC Annual Conference.
William E. Walton Poster Competition

Brittany Deeagn et al. 2024
The objective of the competition is to recognize exceptional poster presentations in the field of mosquito and vector control research and operations in honor of the late Dr. William (Bill) E. Walton who was passionate about and committed his career to entomology and vector ecology.
MVCAC Trustee Achievement Award (1992-2005)
The MVCAC Trustee Achievement Award was phased out in 2006 in an effort to consolidate and streamline award categories.
MVCAC Presidential Citation Award

Rick Howard 2024

Lisa Yarbrough & Meagan Luevano 2024
The Presidential Citation Award is conferred to a member or non-member of the Association in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of the Association’s mission and goals that do not fall within the criteria for MVCACs’ other awards. The citation is not presented every year, but only on occasions of exceptional individual merit. It is suggested to select a maximum of 2 awardees per year. Any member can make a nomination however, not all nominees will receive an award. To nominate someone, the president or other Association member will provide a brief statement of why the nominee should be selected for a Presidential Citation to the Board President. The President will then select up to 2 nominees and have those choices confirmed by the Association Executive Committee.
MVCAC Service with Distinction Award

David I’Anson 2024
Service with Distinction Awards may be conferred on those who have made a significant contribution to fulfilling the mission of the Association. They must meet the following criteria: Made exceptional professional or voluntary service in support of the advancement and continued excellence of the Association; have earned national or international distinction for their services in the subject of mosquito and vector control; have made a significant contribution to any local community within the jurisdiction of their agency and focused on mosquito and vector control. Submission Process:
- Any individual, member agency, or entity within MVCAC may submit a nomination for another individual or entity.
- If the nominator has a personal or business relationship with the individual, it must be clearly stated as an addendum to the nomination.
- As much relevant information as possible needs to be included with the application, as the ad hoc Awards Committee will make its judgments based only on the information provided.
- No individual may nominate themselves.
Upon receipt of the nomination documents, the Association President shall appoint an Ad Hoc Awards Committee. This award is open to multiple types of individuals; therefore, the president will appoint an Ad Hoc committee with members that represent the nominee’s demographic. This committee shall have five members, with at least one being a trustee member. Depending on the number of nominations, there may be multiple committees formed to make the decision on multiple nominees. The Awards Committee will submit their recommendations to the Board of Directors (via the Executive Director) to prepare the ballot to the membership. Service of Distinction awards shall be conferred by the same procedure as established for honorary membership in Section 5. Recipients of the Service of Distinction Award have no vote in this association.