MVCAC Corporate Member Fiscal Status Report Submission for 2024-25 Dues

It’s that time of year again! Please fill out and email or fax back this year’s MVCAC Fiscal Status Report Form for your district’s MVCAC dues to be calculated.

Dues for Corporate Members are due on July 1st of each year for the fiscal year ending June 30th of the following year. Unpaid dues will be considered late on September 1st. After September 1st, a late notice will be sent which will include a $50 late payment fee. Corporate members that do not pay their dues and late fee by October 31st will be dropped from the membership rolls.

If you are interested in continuing to contribute to the West Nile Virus Call Center and indicate the amount you would like to contribute. That information then will be passed along to Heluyna Health who will provide the billing. MVCAC is only providing them the information and not providing billing services.

Second, as more and more work is being done assisting our International districts, we established a fund to help offset costs if a district member should want to go help with these efforts but may have a district that cannot fully provide monetary support. If you are able to give a little bit into this fund, please note on the dues sheet how much and we will bill you for the amount. This fund is not being budgeted into our annual budget, will only show as a pass through amount and will not be used for any other association costs.

Also, please do note that if you pay your membership dues via credit card, we will then bill you for the credit card fee per MVCAC policy.

Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting MVCAC. 

Fill Out Form Here