The biting rate of Aedes aegypti and its variability: A systematic review(1970–2022).

:ZahidMH, VanWykH, MorrisonAC, ColomaJ, LeeGO, CevallosV, etal.(2023)

Author summary: Half of the world’s population is now at risk of dengue infection, which transmits to humans mostly through the bite of an infected female Aedes aegypti mosquito. Disease transmission models have played an important role in understanding the dynamics of dengue transmission and helping to develop control measures. The mosquito biting rate is one of the central parameters used in these models. Mosquito biting rates used in existing works are taken from a variety of studies, each with its strengths and limitations. To understand how existing study designs are used to estimate biting rate and how these estimates may vary over time, space, and environmental factors, we perform a systematic review of biting rate studies. We identify three study designs (human landing catch, marked-release-recapture, and histological) that play an important role in estimating per mosquito biting rates and capturing variability across a number of environmental factors. In particular, human landing catch studies can capture the variability of biting rates and marked-released-recapture studies along with histological studies can quantify the multiple feeding that occurs between ovipositions. Transmission modeling studies should be more informed by the biology of mosquito behavior. By understanding the biology of blood-feeding and context-specific factors, we can arrive at more informed per mosquito biting rate estimates for site-specific transmission model analysis.

[Submitted by the Vector and Vector-Borne Disease Committee]