Every government agency employee who independently handles, applies, or supervises the use of any pesticide for public health purposes must be certified by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). To acquire certification as a public health vector control technician (VCT), the employee is required to pass the Pesticide Application and Safety (Category A) exam and at least one exam in the following categories corresponding to assigned duties.
- Category B: Mosquito Biology and Control
- Category C: Terrestrial Invertebrate Vector Control
- Category D: Vertebrate Vector Control
Only individuals currently employed at a government public health agency that performs vector control may apply to take the certification examination. CDPH offers the exam twice annually, the third Thursday of May and November. Exam applications must be approved by CDPH prior to the exam.
Exams are offered twice a year, the third Thursday of May and November. Exam applications must be approved by CDPH prior to the exam and the exam location is marked on the approved application. Contact the CDPH Training and Certification Coordinator for additional information on the exam at (916) 552-9730.
Explore certification resources, including exam preparation materials:
- Exam Application
- Vector Exam Study Manuals and PowerPoints
- Review Webinars for VCT Exam
- Certification Status Report (requires login and password)
- California VCT Certification and CE Guidelines