93rd Annual MVCAC Conference – Call for Papers

The theme for the 93rd Annual MVCAC Conference is “Vector Control- A path to a more hospitable world”. The prime topics for consideration are below but please consider submitting even if your paper does not fit into one of these topics. All submissions will be considered. The deadline for submission has been extended to October 18, 2024. Requests made following this date may not be honored and may not appear in the conference program.

  • Network System Security Preparedness
  • Droplet Deposition/Characterization
  • Data Visualization Tools/CalSurv
  • Reducing Vector-borne Disease Risk through Messaging Campaigns
  • Vertebrate Vector Control
  • Vector-borne Disease in California
  • WNV, SLE, Zika, Dengue, Malaria
  • Hantavirus, Plague, Typhus
  • Invasive Aedes Successes & Failures
  • Novel Mosquito Control Trials
  • Application Equipment
  • 3D Printing Symposium
  • Mosquitofish Rearing & Transport
  • Suspect Pool ID Access and treatment strategies

Questions? Please reach out to Senior Meeting Manager, Rachel Hickerson at rhickerson@amgroup.us.